This recipe i recreate after eating pesto pasta at one of husband friend home. It was my first time eating pesto pasta. I immediately fell in love with strong basil flavor in olive oil and enhanced with the taste of parmesan cheese. I straight away asked the wife how she made the sauce. i dont have any paper and pen so i try to remember it.
When return home i was thinking about it but then i realize i dont have food processor to minced all the ingredient. So i do some cheat. i bought Basil Pesto and Sun Dried tomato. So here it is Pasta with pesto chicken and sun dried tomato.
To do the pasta, just boiled the pasta according to package instruction.
While thats boiling slice some chicken breast into small cube. Then stir fry with minced garlic and season with salt and pepper till cook throughly. I like it till little brown.
Then slice thinly sun dried tomato and put into a saucepan together with a tablespoon or two oil from the sun dried tomato bottle. i love the oil taste. warm just a little and add pesto to it mix and add chicken mix throughly. There is no need to cook the pesto sauce it can be serve in room temperature. But for me i like it a little bit warm.
When the pasta is cooked. Drain and mix with the pesto sauce and serve. Its that simple added you bought the ready made pesto sauce. I will make my own sauce once i buy my own food processor.
As the side dish, i make greek salad. Its easy to make salad. Slice some tomato, cucumber, green or colored capsicum, tear some lettuce leave and thinly slice onion. Mix together and put some kalamata olives to it.
For the dressing just squeeze a lemon, put into small jar. The add minced garlic, salt, pepper, dried oregano and olive oil. Shake shake shake done...
To serve crumble some feta cheese and put on top of the salad, pour the dressing and mix well. Done