Tuesday, February 05, 2013

Card box cat house

As i mention earlier this is my another DIY project. We have more then 10 cats at home. I lost count cause the number is changing, new cats coming in others going for adoption and so on. Anyway since few boxes laying around why not make something for them to play with.

Initially i create for my white cat.

Complete house but after this i made little changes to the entrance. I cut out an arch instead of original triangle shape.

 Look how interested he is in it. 

fell asleep while i cut the roof.

This is double storey house for the kitten at in laws house. Its made of four box of mineral water.

This third one is for one of the oldest cat that we have. He is sick and getting cold so this house is for him to chilled in. Sadly he passed away few days after, been sick for more then a week.

There is another fourth house for the handicap cat that we have but i havent take any picture of it yet. will do soon. The house especially decorated not like those in the picture. As for now i have bought more decorating item for the house. Still some on the way to finish.


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